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Male Number of posts : 1030
Age : 31
Location : U.S.A
Fav. Anime : Bleach, Naruto, Death Note
Registration date : 2007-07-17

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Name: Noukon
Weapon: Black Katana
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PostSubject: Newest announcement   Newest announcement EmptyThu Aug 21, 2008 10:31 pm

Ok, As some have known, when you view this site... its stays the same.

Day.. after day. i cannot change the sites idea or In reality, main format.

Now, its not the fault of mine, or any other admins... in fact, the only real problem with this site... is that the host is a free forum site called forumotion.

No.. the sites not closing, Updates will still come.. just not as much from me, more from the other admins.

Not because of laziness

Its because the forumotion site doesnt really offer any free-range to change hosts or anything.

Now, i am making

This site is able to be changed, and it needs anime posters.

Feel free to PM me here, to get a job there (if ya want)

Anyway, thats just my update.

(ps: forums are being made at the moment, so you'll be redirected there ^^)

Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Anyway, join there if you want... any member that joins from this site, will get a Moderator status there automatically. Smile

Im ani-streamer there.

Also, please stay talking here... its better in a homely way.. and everyone knows eachother.
Also, still make suggestions on how to make this site better, i want to help out here, since i created this site a full year ago.

(Remember, Ani-Stream is its own project... not just a new version of this site... im just going to spend more time there... other admins might not)
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Dark SK
Dark SK

Male Number of posts : 1127
Age : 33
Location : MD
Fav. Anime : BLEACH DUH, naruto and deathnote
Registration date : 2007-08-14

Custom Character Sheet
Name: Aaron Smith
Weapon: Black Sword, White Sword, 50 Cal. with scope, 44 magnum.
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PostSubject: Re: Newest announcement   Newest announcement EmptySun Dec 14, 2008 9:48 pm

hey... something went down and i can't find the site now... did something happen to it?
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